
fortune-telling birthday book

天經過Log-on看到這本fortune-telling birthday book
嘩!對於我這個零九社會大學freshman 看到fortune-telling還不發光
fortune-telling book可以大賣
都是因為大家在乎的不是未來的結果 只是想在當下找點方向和支持
I just hear what i want to hear =P
準不準未到未來出現通常大家都已下定論 因為順耳就是準

You have persistence and determination and never acknowledge defeat.
You do not confide in others but like to work out your plans alone and in your own way.
You have many friends and are well liked by all.
Your home life will be contented and happy and you will have the undivided devotion of your mate.

i have a plan and i'm gonna to work it out =]